Monday, February 11, 2013

3 Fun Ways to Review Memory Work (Latin, Catechism, etc.)

With our winter break coming up, and with the things we have to memorize every week, I know I'm getting rusty on some things. (like Latin...) But, I know that everyone wants to have fun on their break, so here are 3 ways to have fun and still freshen up on memory work!

#1 Make a skit!

Gather your family together, along with your textbooks and flash cards, and play out some of the things you have to memorize. If its Latin, have your mom say the word in Latin and you act out the English translation, and let your family try to guess what it is. (It would be really funny if you think you know what the word is, but it was really something either than what you thought, and you were acting out the wrong word!) And if its catechism questions, or a chapter in Defeating Darwinism, you could make a skit with a sibling, (or by yourself) to explain a concept to your family. Or, if you want to practice Logic or Geography, grab your dry-erase boards, have a parent ask you what a truth table is or where Thailand is and draw out an explanation.

#2 Karaoke.

I know what your thinking, karaoke and memory work? At the same time? Sounds like a recipe for disaster. But, a song is a great way to memorize something. Pick some vocab from any subject, pick a tune, and write your own lyrics. Then get some family (or friends) together and have a performance! (If any of you have siblings in foundations, have them sing their songs from the foundations program) If you come up with an amazing song, feel free to share it, you can leave a comment below with the lyrics, tune that it goes to, or leave a link to a video of someone singing it!

#3 A 3D board game

Find a large space (like the living room or outside on the sidewalk) and set up a 3D board game, in which you are the characters or pawns. Lay out flash cards on the floor as spaces, and designate a start and an end. Grab some dice and roll, whatever number you land on is how many you move, but you can't move forward until you translate the flash card. So if you roll a five you have to move one step, translate, move a step, translate, and so on. You can play with your siblings and the first one to the end wins.

Hope these help you still have fun on your break,

Till next time

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